Friday 16 September 2022

Significant Rewards of Hajj pilgrimage

 Hajj has been made obligatory by Allah Almighty for very Muslim who has the financial and physical capacity to afford it, once in a lifetime. People have been undertaking the Hajj pilgrimage from the times of Prophet Hazrat Ibrahim (AS), and as per the orders of Allah Almighty, it will continue till the end of times. That’s the reason hundreds of thousands of Muslims gather in Haramain every year through their cheap Ramadan umrah packages.

Being able to perform hajj pilgrimage remains among the greatest blessings of Allah Almighty that a believer dreams of. Since travelling for Hajj requires a person to spend from its financial as well as physical means, it’s not ab obligation for every Muslim but the one who can afford it. 

Here’s a brief description of the significant rewards of the hajj pilgrimage. 

Among the best deeds.

Hajj is among the best deeds that one can perform supplicating to Allah Almighty. Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) narrated in a hadith that three deeds are the best;

  1. Having faith in Allah Almighty and His Messenger (SAWW).
  2. Perform Jihad for the Sake of Allah Almighty.
  3. A valid and accepted Hajj pilgrimage.

The reward of Paradise.

If a believer performs the Hajj pilgrimage with righteous and honest intentions and complete all of its rituals in accordance with the Sunnah of our holy Prophet (SAWW) the reward of entering to Paradise is guaranteed. Holy Prophet (SAWW) narrated in a hadith that Paradise is the reward of an accepted Hajj.

Eliminates poverty.

Among the many blessings of Hajj, it remains a significant one; performance of Hajj pilgrimage often wipes out the financial difficulties for a person. Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) narrated in a hadith that one must perform Hajj and Umrah consecutively in life because they remove poverty and sins just like the fire removes the impurities of iron.


Hajj pilgrimage purifies one’s soul from all sins that he/she has committed in the past. Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) narrated in a hadith that whoever undertakes Hajj pilgrimage; during which he neither commits sexual intercourse nor commit sins, he will return sinless i.e., just like a newborn baby.


For Muslims who are unable to take part in Jihad physically, or are not obliged to observe it in the Shariah i.e., women, elderly people, children, ill people, and the weak ones; the performance of hajj is the best alternative for them. Jihad remains one of the greatest acts of worship and holds greatest reward. Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) narrated in a hadith that the best Jihad of women is the performance of valid and accepted Hajj pilgrimage.

These are some of the significant rewards of the hajj pilgrimage to know about.

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