Friday, 16 September 2022

Important Facts to Know about Sayee ritual

 Sayee is a fundamental part of the rites of Hajj and Umrah pilgrimages. Conceptually, it is an act of walking back and forth seven times between the two small hills of Safah and Marwah present within the premises of Masjid-al-Haram, located adjacent to the Holy Kaabah. It’s essential for the pilgrims arriving in Makkah with their Islamic Travel Offers Cheap December Umrah Packages for the performance of holy rituals to observe the Sayee ritual. Otherwise, if someone misses this fundamental rite of Hajj and Umrah, his/her pilgrimage would be invalid.  

Here are some of the important facts that you must know about the Sayee ritual.

Historical Significance.

The rite of Sayee commemorates the actions of Hajar (AS) who was the wife of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) and ran between the hills of Safah and Marwah seven times in search of a Caravan in order to find a source of water for her son Hazrat Ismail (AS). Then, miraculously the water of Zamzam sprout from the ground. So, in order to remember this great event of Islamic history, Sayee has been made an integral part of Hajj and Umrah rituals. The significance of which can easily be evaluated from the fact that it is among those rites of a pilgrimage that Allah Almighty has also mentioned in the Holy Quran in Surah al-Baqarah, 2:158. 

When to perform Sayee?

  • The Sayee rituals should always be observed after the completion of the Tawaf.
  • For the pilgrims who are performing Umrah, Sayee must be observed after the Tawaf-al-Umrah. However, for those pilgrims who are performing Hajj-al-Tamattu, Sayee should be performed twice; once after Tawaf-al-Umrah and once after Tawaf-al-Ziyarath.
  • For those pilgrims who are performing Hajj-al-Qiran or Hajj-al-Ifrad, Sayee should only be carried out once. It can be either after Tawaf-al-Qudum or Tawaf-al-Ziyarath. If Sayee gets performed by a pilgrim after Tawaf-al-Qudum on arrival in Makkah, it won’t be necessary to perform it after Tawaf-al-Ziyarath.

Where to perform Sayee?

The Sayee must be performed within the premises of Masjid-al-Haram and between the hills of Safah and Marwah present inside. 

In order to make your Sayee ritual valid, the entire distance between the Safah and Marwah hills must be traversed by a pilgrim on foot. It amounts to 450 meters of distance to be covered per lap, with the seven laps being approximately equal to 3.15 kilometers (1.96 miles). So, it’s necessary to cover all of this distance, otherwise, if any part of this distance is left uncovered the Sayee shall be deemed incomplete.

How to Perform Sayee?

The first lap of Sayee must begin at Safa hill and then proceeded towards Marwah hill. The next lap must begin from Marwah hill and end at Safah hill and in the same cycle until seven laps are completed. In simple words, the first lap of Sayee must begin from Safah towards Marwah such that the seventh lap must end at Marwah hill.

These are some of the important facts to know about the Sayee ritual.

Significant Rewards of Hajj pilgrimage

 Hajj has been made obligatory by Allah Almighty for very Muslim who has the financial and physical capacity to afford it, once in a lifetime. People have been undertaking the Hajj pilgrimage from the times of Prophet Hazrat Ibrahim (AS), and as per the orders of Allah Almighty, it will continue till the end of times. That’s the reason hundreds of thousands of Muslims gather in Haramain every year through their cheap Ramadan umrah packages.

Being able to perform hajj pilgrimage remains among the greatest blessings of Allah Almighty that a believer dreams of. Since travelling for Hajj requires a person to spend from its financial as well as physical means, it’s not ab obligation for every Muslim but the one who can afford it. 

Here’s a brief description of the significant rewards of the hajj pilgrimage. 

Among the best deeds.

Hajj is among the best deeds that one can perform supplicating to Allah Almighty. Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) narrated in a hadith that three deeds are the best;

  1. Having faith in Allah Almighty and His Messenger (SAWW).
  2. Perform Jihad for the Sake of Allah Almighty.
  3. A valid and accepted Hajj pilgrimage.

The reward of Paradise.

If a believer performs the Hajj pilgrimage with righteous and honest intentions and complete all of its rituals in accordance with the Sunnah of our holy Prophet (SAWW) the reward of entering to Paradise is guaranteed. Holy Prophet (SAWW) narrated in a hadith that Paradise is the reward of an accepted Hajj.

Eliminates poverty.

Among the many blessings of Hajj, it remains a significant one; performance of Hajj pilgrimage often wipes out the financial difficulties for a person. Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) narrated in a hadith that one must perform Hajj and Umrah consecutively in life because they remove poverty and sins just like the fire removes the impurities of iron.


Hajj pilgrimage purifies one’s soul from all sins that he/she has committed in the past. Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) narrated in a hadith that whoever undertakes Hajj pilgrimage; during which he neither commits sexual intercourse nor commit sins, he will return sinless i.e., just like a newborn baby.


For Muslims who are unable to take part in Jihad physically, or are not obliged to observe it in the Shariah i.e., women, elderly people, children, ill people, and the weak ones; the performance of hajj is the best alternative for them. Jihad remains one of the greatest acts of worship and holds greatest reward. Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) narrated in a hadith that the best Jihad of women is the performance of valid and accepted Hajj pilgrimage.

These are some of the significant rewards of the hajj pilgrimage to know about.

Is it possible to perform Hajj with loan money?

 The Major Pilgrimage of the Islamic faith i.e., Hajj is an obligatory ritual. Muslims from across the globe travel with the cheap umrah packages every year for this holy journey. Consequently, millions of them arriving in Makkah city during the month of Dhu-al-Hijjah. 

Though Hajj rituals start from the 8th of Dhu-al-Hijjah, many pilgrims arrive in the early days and offer umrah and other rituals. For the next 5 days i.e., after the 8th of Dhu-al-Hijjah, pilgrims perform a variety of different rituals at different places; as specified in the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (SAWW). Thus, the 12th day of Dhu-al-Hijjah marks the end of the Hajj period for Muslims. Afterward, some pilgrims start returning to their homes while others opt for the Ziyarath of the holy sites present in the region and also visit Madinah city. 

For whom Hajj is necessary?

Though Hajj remains the fifth pillar of the Islamic faith, it’s a fundamental Ibadah to be observed by the Muslims; when certain conditions are fulfilled. 

1. Being a Muslim.

The first and foremost condition to be fulfilled regarding the obligation of hajj for a person is the state of being a Muslim. Non-believers are not allowed to enter Masjid-al-Haram or even the cities of Makkah and Madinah, let alone performing hajj rituals. So, Hajj is only obligatory for adult Muslims who possess the physical, financial, and mental capacity for it. 

2. Financial and Physical Capability.

  • Possessing enough financial means that one can afford a hajj trip; paying for all of their living, travel, accommodation, visa procedures, and other requirements of international travel.  While also making sure that your living standard remains unbothered by the expenditures of Hajj travel.
  • Having the health and physical capability of performing the holy rituals by yourself. 
  • Providing enough provisions to fulfill the expenditures of your family back home till your return i.e., if they are not accompanying you for the hajj trip.

If all of these conditions are fulfilled, then hajj becomes obligatory and it is advised for such a person to perform this religious duty as soon as possible.

Hajj with loan money; possible or not?

If one doesn’t have the financial capability to afford a hajj trip by himself, it isn’t obligatory for such a person to undertake hajj pilgrimage in the first place. As a result, the question of borrowing money for hajj or performing hajj with loan money doesn’t even exist i.e., it is only obligatory when you have all the provisions to afford it by yourself such that your living standard remain unaffected by it. 

Even if one is capable of taking out a loan (riba-free) and also has the financial means to pay it back later in time, still such a person won’t be considered religiously obliged for it i.e., Hajj. Thus, the performance of Hajj with borrowed money won't suffice for your Hajj-ul-Islam.

That’s why it’s not recommended for Muslims to travel for hajj by taking a loan for it or by borrowing money from someone.

Factors that make Hajj obligatory for a person

 Hajj is a necessary pillar of the Islamic faith whose obligation is clearly mentioned in the Holy Quran for Muslims. That’s why millions of Muslim pilgrims arrive every year through cheap umrah packages 2023 for the holy rituals in Makkah, Saudia Arabia. 

Hajj rituals are observed on an annual basis; from the 8th day of Dhu-al-Hijjah till the 12th. During this period of five days, pilgrims visit a lot of different places, offering a variety of rituals there – as specified in the Sunnah of our Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW). 

The obligation of Hajj.

When it comes to hajj performance, it isn’t obligatory for every Muslim but for those who possess the means for it. Thus, there are some conditions to be met. 

Here’s a brief description of the factors that make hajj obligatory for a person. 

Being a Muslim.

Since hajj is a part of the Islamic religion, it goes without saying that pilgrims must have embraced Shahadah i.e., became a Muslim in order to travel for the hajj pilgrimage. 

Saudi Arabia doesn’t allow non-Muslims to enter the holy cities of Makkah and Madinah. Thus, even if a person has a non-Muslim name, he/she must also be required to submit the Shahadah Certificate issued by the local Islamic center or masjid at the time of hajj visa application i.e., confirming that the applicant is a Muslim.


A non-pubescent child isn’t obligated to undertake the Hajj pilgrimage, however, in case if he/she does so, it remains a valid and rewardable act. In fact, even Hajj performed by a one-day-old child remains valid through his guardian i.e., the parent/person who helps him perform the integrals and requisites of Hajj. So, Hajj is only religiously obligatory for an Adult Muslim i.e., who is accountable for his deeds. 

Physical and Mental capability.

Physical fitness and mental capability are significantly essential when it comes to the question of the obligation of hajj for a person. A person wishing to travel for a hajj pilgrimage not only has to be mentally sane but also, he must possess the bodily energy to perform all of its rituals by himself. 

However, for aged/ill pilgrims, the wheelchair facility can also be availed. 

Remember that for a person who isn’t mentally fit, hajj isn’t obligatory in the first place even if he/she has the financial means for it.

Being Independent.

Another deciding factor for the obligation of hajj for a Muslim is his/her independence. In other words, hajj is not obligatory on a salve. Since the concept of slaves doesn’t exist in today’s world, the term can also be used to define the travel independence of a person i.e., the political restrictions imposed on citizens of different countries. 

Having the Financial Means.

Last but not the least, hajj only becomes obligatory for a person when he/she has all the means to afford it. Thus, paying for all of one’s travel, living, visa, and accommodation expenses for the entire period of Hajj while also providing enough provisions for the family (if they are not coming along on hajj). 

These are some of the necessary factors to know about for the obligation of hajj.

Why Hajj Pilgrimage is important?

 The performance of Hajj remains an essential pillar of the Islamic faith for a believer. The significance of Hajj is clearly mentioned in the Holy Quran for Muslims and that’s why millions travel every year through their packages provides by Hajj and Umrah Travel Agents of Islamic Travel for the holy rituals. 

Among the five pillars of the Islamic faith, Hajj remains the last yet the most important one as well as the most rewarding. Hajj rituals are officially commenced on the 8th day of Dhu-al-Hijjah and last till the 12th. During this period of five days, pilgrims visit a lot of different places, performing a variety of rituals there; as specified in the Sunnah of our Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW). 

When it comes to traveling for hajj, one must know that it isn’t obligatory for every Muslim. However, it’s an obligation for only those who possess the financial and physical means for it as well as are free to travel.

Historical Significance of Hajj.

The history of Hajj goes back to thousands of years i.e., retracing the route as followed by the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW), Prophet Hazrat Ibrahim (AS), and Hazrat Ismail (AS). The obligation of hajj is itself clearly specified in the Holy Quran. Therefore, the Hajj pilgrimage should be completed at least once in the lifetime by all those Muslims who possess the capability for it. 

Another thing to know about it is that it’s also advised not to delay the performance of the hajj. In simple words, one must undertake the hajj pilgrimage as soon as he/she gets the opportunity for it. 

Hajj is such a sacred journey that allows Muslims to wipe away any sins of the past, thus, wiping the slate clean in front of Allah (SWT); only if performed with honest and righteous intentions.

The obligation of Hajj.

Hajj is mandatory for every Muslim who is;

Physically able i.e., possess the bodily energy and strength to perform the rituals of hajj and travel for it.

Of sound mind.

Financially capable to bear all of the Hajj travel and accommodation expenses while also providing enough provisions for his family back home (if they are not coming along). 

Free and independent to travel i.e., there are no political restrictions in this regard and it’s safe to travel. 

Another thing to know is that there is no obligation for children to undertake Hajj because they are not yet considered able. Hence, a child may take part in Hajj with their parents or guardians and the rewards of the pilgrimage will be bestowed upon the child. Yet, it would not suffice for the obligatory Hajj-ul-Islam i.e., the child has to undertake the obligatory pilgrimage again after reaching the age of puberty (if sufficient means are present).

That’s how important Hajj pilgrimage is for Muslims.